In Memory of Ken Block
Every time Ken and I got together he was excited to show me the latest Hooligan Racing livery design he was working on. I was always blown away. I loved connecting with him on creative visions. His imagination and ambition were inspiring and infectious.
The 43 Institute carries on Ken Block’s greatest legacy: creating paths of opportunity for the exceptionally driven who may lack the proper support system for growth and success.
To support 43i, we are auctioning this “One of One” - a premium Motocross kit I designed based on Ken’s famous “Deathspray” livery. I spent many hours making sure to carefully get every detail right for these special pieces.
RENEN will custom handcraft the winner their one of a kind jersey and pant in any size of their choice at our factory in America. The winner can choose either “BLOCK 43” on the jersey, or the winner’s NAME and NUMBER.
We are only making one set of this “Deathspray” kit. This will never be replicated. They will be incredible pieces for any Ken Block friend, fan or collector.
It has been my honor creating this RENEN Motocross kit that is a tribute to Ken and his creative genius. Working on this often brought tears to my eyes as I miss my friend. It also brought me joy thinking of Ken looking down on me, happy that i was designing this for him and his legacy.
- Pete Fox
The Auction is on April 3rd (4/3) for more information // www.43i.org
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